Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Biggest Problem Facing Our Generation

The biggest problem facing our generation is fixing the mistakes that our fearless leaders have made. George W. Bush had made many mistakes while in office from 2001 to 2009. One of the most controversial issues that he had completed related to the signing of a report endorsing outsourcing with thousands of American workers having their jobs shipped overseas. He may have had good intentions, but all that was lost after the signing of this bill that took 2. 6 million jobs away from the people of the United States.Due to this decision, numerous companies were shipped overseas since the labor costs are lower and emission standards don’t exist. Another notorious decision relates to the invasion of Iraq. After September 11, 2001, Bush became convinced that Saddam Hussein was seeking nuclear weapons and represented a mortal threat to the west. However, he chose to ignore conflicting evidence and undermined not only his presidency, but the reputation of US intelligence agencies and h is country.Another mistake that occurred just weeks prior to the 9/11 attacks notified the people of his loss of dedication to the country. Bush received a memorandum, called the pre-9/11 memo, from the CIA entitled,†Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US. † Although, he did not respond to the threat since he was on a family vacation, which will forever blight his legacy. The results of these mistakes are still dwelling over the United States. Yet, our generation is only able to learn from the mistakes and ensure that they are not repeated.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Close Reading Essay

Because if what people mean is: Can the love of lauguage be taught? Can a grft for storytelling be taught? thenthe enswer is no. Which may be why the’question is so often asked in a skeptical leng imFlying that, unlike the multiplication tables or the principles of auto mechanics, creativity can’t be tansmitted from teacher to student Lnagine Milton enrolling in a graduate program for help virh Paradire Lost,orKa{ka enduring d1s semirlsl in which his classmates irrforn. him thaq franklp they just don’t believe the part about the guywaking up one morning to find he’s a giant bug. VLrat confuses me is not the sensibleness of the question but tJre fact that, when addressed to me, it’s being asked of a writer who has taught writing, on and off, for almost twenty -What years. would it say about mq my students, and the hours’wete spent in the classroom if I said drat any attempt to teach the writing of fiction is a complete waste of timl? I should probably just go ahead and admit that lve been com mi tting criminal fraud. to f-l an creative *iting be taught? t ] rt† † r. â€Å"roo.6l† qu†Jtiorr, but no matter how -/ often I’ve been asked it, I never krrow guite what That’s the experience I describe, the answer I give to people who ask about teaching creative writing: A workshop can be usefirl. A good teacher can show you how to edit your work. The right dass can encourage you and form the basis of a community that will help and sustain you. But that dass, as helpful as it was, is not where I learned to write. *itirg ike most-maybe all-vriters, I learned to write by and, by example, from reading books. Instead I answer by recalling my owu most valuable experienee not as a teacher, but as a student in one of the few fietion workshops I have ever taken. This was in the 1970s, during ny brief careLr as a graduate student in medieval English literature, when I was allowed the indulgence of taling one fiction dass. Its generous teacher showed me, ,mong other things, how to line-edit my work For any writer, the abiJity to look at a sentetce and see what’s superfluous, what cen be altered revised, erpanded and, especially, cut, is bssential. It’s satisfring to see that sentence shrinl, snap into place, and ultimately emerge in a more polished form: clear, e conomical sharp. Meanwhile, my classmates were providing me with my first real audience. In that prehistory before mass photocopying enabled students to distribute manuscripts in advance, Irre read our work aloud. That year I was b†g*ning what would become my first novel Arld what made an important d. ifference to me was the attention I felt in the room as the others listened. I was very dncouraged by their eagerness to hear’more 8  Long before 6e idea of a writer’s conference was a glimmer in anyone’s eye writers learned by reading the work of their predecessors. They studied meter with Ovid, plot consuuction with Homer, comedy with Aristophanes; tl:ey honed their prose style by absorbing the lucid sentences of Montaigne and Samuel Johnson- And who could have asked for better teachexs: generous, uncriticel blessed with wisdom and genius, as endlessh forgiving as only the dead can be? Though writers have leamed from the masters. in a formal.  methodical way-Harrv Crews has described aking apart’a Graham Greene novel to see how many chapters it contained, how much time it covered how Greene handled pacin& tone, and point ofvieiv-the truth iS that this sort of education more often involves a kind of osmosis. A-fter I’ve written an essay in which lve quoted at length from great writers, so that fve had to copy out long passages of their work, I’ve noticed that my own work becomes, however briefly, just a little more fluenl In the ongoing process of becoming a writer, I read and reread the authors I most loved. I read for pleasure, firsg but also more aualytically, conscious of stylef of dicrion, of how sentences were formed and information was being conveyed, how the writer was structuring a plot, creating characters, employing detail and dialogue. And as’I wrotq I discovered that writing like reading, was done one word at a time, one punctuation mark at a ti-e. It reguired what a friend calls lputting every word on u-ial for its Lfe†, changing an adjective, cutting a phrase, removing a sqttrlna and putting the comma back in. I read closely, word by word, sentence by sentence, pondering each deceptively minor decision the writer had made. Arrd though I can’t recall every source of inspiration and instruction, I can remember the novels and stories that seemed to me revelations: wells of beauty and pleasure that were also textbooks? courses of private lessons in th†e term paper on the theme of blindness il Oedipus Rex and Kinglear. Newere supposed to go through the rwo tragedies and cirde every reference to eyes, light, darkness, and visiort then draw some conclusion on which we would assigned  a art of fiction. When I was a high school junio4 -our English teacher base our final essay. The exercise seemed to us dul! mechanical. We felt we were way beyond it AII of us knew that blindness played a starring role in both dramas StiL we liked our E. nglish teacher, and we wanted to please him. And searciing for everyrelevantword turned out to have ari enjoyable seasure-hunt aspect, a Were’s Waldo detective thrill. Once we started looking for eyes, we found them everywhere, glinting at us, winking from every page. Long before the idea of a writer’s conference was a glimmer in anyonds eye, writers leamed by reading their predecessors. Th*y studied meter with OYi{ plot construction with Homer, -omedy with Aristophanes. T’ong before the blinding of Oedipus or Gloucester, the language of vision and its opposite was prepariag us, consciously or uncousciously, for those violent mutilations. It asked us to consider what it meant to b6 dear-sighted or obtuse, short-sighted or prescieng to heed the signs and wamings, to see or deny what was right in front of one’s eyes. Teiresias, Oedipus, Goneril, Kent-all of them could be defined by the sincerity or falseness with which they mused or ranted on the subject of literal or metaphorical blindness. tacing those patterns and making those connections was fun. Like cracking a code that the playwright had em. bedded in the text, a riddle that existed just for me to decipher. I felt as if I were engaged in some intimate communication with dre writer, as if the ghosts of Sophodes and Shakespeare had been waiting patiendy all those centuries for a bookjsh  .attention to whatever each word or phrase is tr4nsmitti’. Word by word is how we learn to hear and then read† which seems only fitting, because that is how the books we are reading were written in the 6rst place. The more we read, the fasterwe can perform that magic trick of seeing how the letters have been combined into words that have meaning. The more we read, the more we comprehen{ the more likely we are to discover new ways to read, each one tailored to the reason why we are reading a particular book. At 6rsq the  thrill of our own brand-new expertise is all we ask or expect from Dick and Jane. But soon we begin to ask what else those marks on the page can give us. We begin to want information, entertainmeng invention, even truth and beauty. W’e concentrate; we skim, we skip words, put down the book and daydream, start over, and reread. We firrish a book and return to it years later to see what we might have Tissed, or the ways io which time and age have affected our understanding. As a child, I was drawn to the works of the great escapist chjldren’s writers. Especially if I could rerurn to my own bed in time to turn offtl:e lights,I Iiked trading my famiJiar sixteen-year-old to come along and fiad them. I believed that I was learning to read in a whole new way. But this was only pardy uue. Because in fact I was merely relearning to read in an old way that I had leamed; but forgotten. e all begin as close readers. Even before we learn to read, the process ofbeing read aloud to, and of listenirig, is one in which we are taking in one word after another, one phrase at a trme, in which we are payrng  world for the London of the four children whose nanny parachuted into their lives on her umbrella and who turned t}re mo$t routine shopping uip into a magical outing. I would have gladly followed the white rabbit down into the rabbit hole and had tea with the Mad Hatter. I loved novels in which children stepped through portals-a garden, a wardrobe-into an alternate uoiverse. Children love the imagination, with its kaleidoscopic possibilities and its protest against the way that children are always being told exacdy what’s true and false, what’s real and what’s illusion. Perhaps my taste in reading had something to do with the limitations I was discovering, day by day: the brick walls of time and space, science and probabfity, to say nothing of whatever messages I was picking. up from the culture. I liked novels with plucky heroines like Pippi Longstocking, the astringent Jane Eyre, and the daughters in Little Wonzw grls whose resourcefulness and intelligence donot automatically exclude them from the pleasures of male attention. Each word of these novels was a yellow brick ia the road to Oz. Some chapters I read and leread so as to repeat the dependable, out-of-body sensation of being someulzere ebe. I read addictively, constantly. On one-family vacation my father pleaded with me to close my book long enough to look at the Grand Canyon. I borrowed stacks of books from the public libraxy: novels, biographies, history anything that looked even remotely engaging. Along with pre-adolescence came a more pressing desire for escape. I read more widely, more indiscriminately, and mostly with an interest in how far a book could take me from my life and how long it could keep me there. Gone With rlze LVind Pearl Buck. Edna Ferber. f’at James Michener best-sellers with a dash of history sprinkled in to cool down the steamy love scenes between the Hawaiian girls and the missionaries, the geishas and the GIs. I also FtcTtoN rssuE 2006 lO THE ATLANTIC MoNTHLY appreciated these books for the often misieading nuggets of information they provided about sex in that innocent era, the 1950s. I turned the pages of these Page-turners as fast as I could. Reading was like eating alone, with that same element of bingeing. I was fortunate to have good teachers, and friend. s who  were also readers. The books I read bdcame more chal’ lenging, betterwritten, more substantial. Sieinbe& Camus. Hemingway, Fiugerald, TWain, Salingea Arrne Frank. Litde beatniks, my friends and I were passionate fans of Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti. We read . Truman Capote, Carson McCullers, and the proto-hippie classics of Herman Hesse, Carlos Castenada-Mary Poppiru for people who thought they’d outgrown the flying nanny. I-must have been vaguely aware of the power of language, but only dimly, and only as it applied to whatever effect the book was having on me.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Equity and Trusts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Equity and Trusts - Essay Example However, at times, it can be stressful and intimidating depending on the experience of the chosen executor. As such, those who are inexperience in estate distribution may inadvertently land themselves or the estates under their watch at risk. According to Beckert (2007), estate administration or settling an estate is defined as the process in which a deceased person estate and financial affairs are brought to a close. This paper focus on distribution of Adams will in line with British trust laws. Executor and executorships responsibilities The role of an executor is to implement what is stipulated in the will in accordance with laid down trust law. According to Dauncey (2005), all beneficiaries must be treated fairly and equitably. The executor should gather information about all assets, locate them and ensure their protection. In addition, liabilities, debts and any unpaid taxes must also be assessed and payments made. In Williams v Williams, the judge upheld that the executor must have the ability, knowledge and clear understanding of testators’ estate in order to properly oversee investments, business interests, and real estate holdings and manage them in an effective manner. In order to ensure distribution of the deceased person estates, the executor may engage agents such as lawyers, accountants and trust professionals to assist in interpretation of the will provisions and the law for proper administration. Laws of succession are concerned with transfer of personal and real property from the testator to the successor. In 19th century, the British enacted Married Women Property Act that gave married women the right to own and control property inherited from their husbands. According to Succession Act 1981, section 45(1), in the event that a testator is a trustee, the clause excludes the vesting powers of a personal representative to act as the trustee of the property. In Adam’s case, the testator was a trustee, but in addition, had appointed t wo other trustees, Ahmed and Jake to manage his property. Therefore, the appointed trustees assumed powers, authorities and discretions of a trustee since they had been given powers upon creation of a trust. The Wills, Estates and Succession Act, 2009, provides that only property within the deceased estate shall be allocated to the beneficiaries in line with the will, trustees deed or by following scheme of intestate succession. Section 42 through to 50 of Wills, Estates and Succession Act, 2009 provides that testators property included in the will, trustees deed is said to â€Å"pass â€Å" by the instrument in which it is bequeathed. However, any property that is subject to bequeath in respect of Family Law Act, 2009 may pass to the surviving dependants directly. Adam and with his family were involved in a plane crash and unluckily, Adam and his three children succumbed to injuries. However, the wife Alexandria who was pregnant survived though the doctors termed her condition as critical. Alexandria was pregnant and later on gave birth to twins. Luckily, Adam had written a will which was witnessed by two persons, that is personal assistant and the secretary. Additionally, the deceased had also issued some oral instructions on administration of his estate. However, Ahmed and Jake who were appointed as executors will

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Importance of Feminism within Criminology Essay

The Importance of Feminism within Criminology - Essay Example Similarly, feminist criminologists denounce unitary categorization of women oblivious of the influence of race, class, and sexual inequality (Britton 2000, p.63). Advocacy has been instrumental in the betterment of lives of women inmates such as expansion of medical services, job training, and educational prospects. The underrepresentation of women as criminal offenders is apparent. In most cases, the sex ratios of criminal offenders as released by social control authorities are biased. Consequently, women are underrepresented as victims of crime. Most of research undertaken on this topic disproportionately indicates that men are mostly victimized than women in all categories of violent crimes, not including rape and sexual assault. This is where feminist criminology has made much of its mark. Its literature on this arena has mainly highlighted offences of which women are most likely to be victims. Feminism has borne fruits as mainstream criminology literature now features feminist e mpirical work and theories, with some sections discussing rape and intimate violence. Britton (2000, p.70) argues that the field of criminology is masculinised where scholars mainly concentrate on activities of men owing to statistics that show men’s predisposition to criminal activities compared to women. Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives in Feminist Criminology Over the last thirty years, feminist criminologists have challenged theories, concepts, methodologies, and assumptions advanced by criminologists in the study of crime and justice system. Research on this topic indicates immense disparities in crime ratios between sex and race. However, a concise theory explaining this phenomenon is yet in place. Some of the pioneering work is Carol Gilligan’s theory of moral development that considers women’s ethic of care to reduce their probability of offending. Other theoretical arguments advanced include emancipation theory, which holds that, womenâ€℠¢s lower rates of involvement in criminal activities stems from their confinement to domestic roles. The theory explains that this is occasioned by discrimination that caps their aspirations and opportunities. With social and political emancipation, women’s increased involvement in criminal activities will be inevitable (Makarios 2007, p. 107). Empirically, these theories have received minimal support because even though the rate of women’s involvement in violent crimes has increased; they remain relatively low compared to those of men. The increase can be attributed to increased economic marginalization of women as well as a change in how social control authorities view women (Makarios 2007, p.108). Many quantitative studies have been undertaken in this area most of which adopt equity approach. This is popular among liberal feminists where gender is conceptualized as an independent variable. Liberal feminists hold that women are denied access to equal political, finan cial, and career access purely on the basis of sex. The theorists claim that sociological factors, rather than physiological, best explain women’s criminality. Radical feminists have taken issue with these approaches by arguing that the victimization of women has been normalized and should not be equated to that of men. Radical feminists criticize the claims made by liberal feminists as naive. Radical feminists relate social relations, inequality, and crime to male power and privilege (Proctor 2006, p.28). In addition, they argue

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How Students Use Social Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

How Students Use Social Media - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that social media has emerged as an inseparable facet of modern day civilization, playing the role of a communication channel and a source of updated information irrespective of cultural, geographical, political or economic divergences. Technically, social media is often regarded as an advanced form of communication system engaging multiple participants at both the ends of decoders and message encoders. Owing to its increasing influence on the regular activities of human lives through the elements such as virtual communities, business networks, and societal contexts, children and adolescents are also becoming progressively addicted to the use of social media for various purposes. There are various features of social media that are identifiable in relation to its usage among students like, the enhanced scope of informal communication in the global context through internet and accessibility to uncountable technological features. At the same t ime, it enables simultaneous freedom to access mischievous contents which are traditionally restricted to a general platform. From a critical point of view, it can further be argued that these features act as a strong driving force to increase social media usage among the populaces. Recent studies have depicted that the utilization of social media, especially amid the youth, who can also be categorized as students, has increased by a significant level over the past few years.  ... Current Trends in Social Media amongst the Student Population Recent studies (e.g. Kwak et. al., 2010; Lenhart et. al., 2010; Valenzuela et. al., 2009; and Bull et. al., 2008) have depicted that the utilization of social media, especially amid the youth, who can also be categorised as students, has increased by a significant level over the past few years. This particular alteration in the social context can be observed due to various reasons. For instance, a majority of the schools and colleges nowadays are facilitating their students with online educational training programs, rendering due significance to the inclusion of social media. This inclusion is operating at times, as a communication channel, and at times this operates as a source for obtaining relevant information regarding an ongoing issue (Simonpietri & Rose, 2011; Mintel Group Ltd., 2012). According to the report published by Mintel Group Ltd (2012), it has been identified that currently there are 76% of internet users w ho have access to social media with the help of their host devices such as tablet computers, smartphones, laptops and desktops among others. The group comprises around 16% of students who are recorded as regular users of social networking sites through mobile devices. It was further revealed by Shafique et. al. (2010) that in the USA itself, 78.9% of female students tend to access social media sites more frequently in comparison with the male students. In the year 2009, approximately 79% of the total college students in the USA were recorded to use various social media sites such as Linkedln, MySpace, Twitter and Facebook quite frequently in their daily lives. Shafique et. al. (2010) also stated that the students use social media for myriad reasons. Among

Friday, July 26, 2019

Asthma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Asthma - Essay Example 1). This disease often manifests through various patient-specific triggers, the most common of which include airborne allergens like dust mites, cockroaches, cat or dog dander and irritants like tobacco smoke (National Heart Lung and Blood Institute â€Å"Lung Diseases†). Asthma is a chronic disease and it can attack any time especially when the patient is exposed to any of the triggers. However, as compared to other chronic lung diseases, asthma is reversible. No treatment for the disease is yet available; nevertheless, it is considered a controllable disease (Schiffman,, p. 1). With early treatment, the chances of controlling this disease are good and with proper treatment, asthmatic patients can actually have fewer and less severe attacks; however without treatment and with more frequent asthma bouts, asthma patients can die from the disease (Schiffman,, p. 1). In the United States and other western nations, reports of increased incidence of this disease have been revealed. Scientists and researchers claim that factors which may have contributed to this increase may include: decreased exposure to infection which has made our immune system more sensitive to infection; more people spending more time indoors where exposure to mold and dust is higher; increased air pollution; sedate lifestyle and increased percentage of obese individuals (Shiffman,, p. 1). Asthma also has a major impact on society as it is the disease which causes work and school absences more than any other disease; it is also the most common cause of emergency department visits and hospitalizations and it costs the US economy about $13 billion each year (Schiffman,, p. 1). Aside from the triggers previously mentioned above, the following are also considered risk factors for asthma: family history of asthma; frequent incidents of respiratory infections as a child; exposure to second hand smoke;

Roles of women Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Roles of women - Essay Example ed to hold executive posts in big companies but these days we have women CEOs and MDs heading several organizations and doing considerably well, this goes to show a lot about how times have changed. Women were considered the weaker sex in the past and there are still areas where women are suppressed and denied what they truly deserve. Women have made significant progress in the past and they continue to prove several people wrong. They are no longer behind the four walls of the house, they have started accepting administrative roles and their performance has surprised many a people. â€Å"After decades long battle for basic survival rights, women have broken free of their shackles universally and have unleashed the female power, a power that has changed the world. The 21st century has been a witness to the rise of women power.† (Women on Top) The progress that women have made has been significant and their progress is not restricted to one field alone, they have managed to make significant progress in more fields than one and this has also knocked the stuffing out of people who thought that women were incapable of making progress in their lives. Women have greater control over household matters now but it was much different earlier, they are no longer subjected to abuse and they are no longer ignored as they once were in the past. There were as many as 6700 women working as engineers in the year 1950, a great transition took place during 1940 to 1950. As mentioned earlier this decade was a very promising decade for the women and they grabbed this opportunity by the scruff of its neck. However this progress did not continue as expected, the rate of participation declined in the next decade. The problems for women kept mounting, the jobs in their area was hard to find. Their expertise was not valued and they were left unemployed. 91% of men worked as full time engineers whereas women were 20% less likely of getting a job in their area of expertise. This was again

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Disney Way Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Disney Way - Research Paper Example Solstice Sleep Products is a firm that manufactures quality mattresses for its customers. It is committed towards delivery high value to its customers. The company has set a platform in order to develop quality products that over exceed expectations of customers and sets a high benchmark in terms of service. There is a highly experienced team which develops such products and enhances the sustainability of the firm in the industry. The firm works in collaboration with topmost suppliers present in the industry so as to create an extensive brand portfolio. Its value creation is more than hundreds of dollars which is considered to be a bit less than top most advertised brands. Over the years the company has focused on its factory setting so that quality is never compromised (Solstice Sleep Products, 2013). It possesses a highly talented research and development team that incorporates premium components in all the mattresses. These components comprise of wrapped coils, gel foam, natural l atex and traditional spring systems that is wire-tied. Solstice Sleep Products is the  manufacturer that is US based and they are committed to offering sleep products with warranties and highest standards. The company was incorporated in the year 2009 and it manufactures as well as designs all its products in the  United States. This firm has its operations spread across Michigan, Ohio, Florid,  and Indiana. Factory setting of the company is same in all the countries where the focus is towards just in time delivery and developing high-value products. The three major mattress collection of the firm is Americana collection, Cottage Collection and Paradise collection (Online News Association, 2014). Each of these collections has specific requirements which are met by the employees working in the factories.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Organisational plans of learning contract objectives Essay

Organisational plans of learning contract objectives - Essay Example Design (ID) structures or rather models focus on the design and most specifically on the analysis parts. Such models are particularly used to direct the whole process of developing the learning platform.The reason as to why, the said models are used is merely due to the fact that, they provide a quality profound decision in ascertaining the way a learning program should be carried out. The ideology herein of this system is settled on acquiring a general view of the learning process. It is thus featured by a systematic process for assembling and evaluating mutual and personal performance requirements, and by the aptitude to react to the discovered training needs. The relevance of the systems approach ascertains that the learning programs and the necessary supportive materials are constantly created in an effective and appropriate way to counterpart the diversity of necessities in a swiftly dynamic environment (English, 2006). In this note, ISD are extensively known as ADDIE, which is to stand for, Analysis, Design, Development, Implement and Evaluate. It is also referred as System Approach to Training. Even though, there are quite slight variances amid the various ISD models, nearly all systematic Learning design models reflects an approach akin to the ADDIE model(English, 2007,Pg.419-424). Concisely, ADDIE models are described herein which are then reflected on the Learning Plan Map. Analyze the performance surroundings in ascertaining and comprehending on it, and then make a step ahead in describing the objectives required, in the name of approving any performance discrepancies. In essence it is merely meant to help in discovering the training necessities. Design a procedure or rather a platform that will guide in attaining objectives. This is also helpful in amending the performance discrepancies. Develop the original findings and procedures into a product that will help the learners into achieving the capacity to become performers. Within the training system , this might be referred as a courseware to the learners. Implement is achieved by providing the courseware to the learners. Evaluate is the final aspect in the learning plan map. This is achieved through the course ware, an audit track down all through the four phases and also from the working surrounding to ascertain desirable outcome is attained (English, 2007, Pg.23). To concisely navigate through the learning plan map, the below activities are conducted underneath each phase. On the Analysis part, there is a requirement to be able determine the results or rather the connection. Analyzing the entire system is fundamental as it helps have a clear picture of what’s needed. Then, bring together the task account that is linked to each job. On the same phase, chose the tasks that should be worked on and the ones that will approve learners into becoming performance. Also create some performance measures where the tasks is to be learned from learned and on the same note, select the instructional settings for the task linked with each job. Finally, determining the cost to be incurred and weighing its benefits is very useful. As discussed as portrayed from the map, the rest of the three factors have to follow up without skipping out nay process (English, 2007, Pg.30). This is well illustrated by the Lesson plan Map below. . RESEARCH PLAN MAP English (2008) asserts that using Concept Maps in planning a curriculum or rather researching on instructions on a particular topic helps the students in coming up with transparent concepts. When the concepts maps are merged during the course or rather at the curriculum level, there is always desire to arrange them. These, then calls up to researching for an international â€Å"macro map† that is expected to provide adequate information and their propinquity. A research plan map avails the necessary details for a

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The history of surgery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The history of surgery - Essay Example In ancient Greece, surgery was also performed in different ways. The Greek developed various tools and equipment that they used during their surgery processes. This was owing to the fact that they had an easy access to materials such as Iron. The Greek performed various surgeries in order to cure patients from different health complications. For instance, the Greek would undertake different forms of amputations on people. They would also drain the lungs of people, in case these suffered from pneumonia. In addition, the Greek bleed their patients, as well as set the patients’ bones. These processes can be considered to crude today. However, the Greek only turned to surgery as the last resort in order to save the lives of their patients. In the middle ages, the Arabs the Arabs based on the medicinal practices of the Greek in order to develop their own medicine. Nonetheless, this helped the Arabs to become supreme physicians during this age. For this reason, Baghdad was rose to become leading medical and drug centre in the whole world. The Arabs contributed highly to the aspect of drug making. They also used various plants that were believed to have medicinal value. With regard to surgery, the Arabs utilized specific medicinal plants, which had the capability of acting as anaesthetics during the process of surgery. For all patients that were to undergo surgical processes, the Arabs ensured to make them drink anaesthetic mixtures using the anaesthetic sponges. There were diverse procedures in the surgery process in the Arab world. For instance, the Arabs administered sedatives on patients before having them operated. In addition, for those patients that were to undergo amputation, the Arabs offered them to drink diffe rent types of mixtures that acted as sleeping

Monday, July 22, 2019

Translation Method Essay Example for Free

Translation Method Essay As â€Å"modern† languages began to enter the curriculum of European schools in the eighteenth century, they were taught using the same basic procedures that were used for teaching Latin. Textbooks consisted of statements of abstract grammar rules, lists of vocabulary, and sentences for translation. Speaking the foreign language was not the goal, and oral practice was limited to students reading aloud the sentences they had translated. These sentences were constructed to illustrate the grammatical system of the language and consequently bore no relation to the language of real communication. By the nineteenth century, this approach based on the study of Latin had become the standard way of studying foreign language in schools. A typical textbook in the mid-nineteenth century thus consisted of chapters or lessons organized around grammar points. Each grammar point was listed, rules on its use were explained, and it was illustrated by sample sentences. This approach to foreign language teaching became known as the Grammar-Translation Method. Principle of The Grammar-Translation Method 1. The goal of foreign language study is to learn a language in order to read its literature or in order to benefit from the mental discipline and intellectual development that results from foreign language study. 2. Reading and writing are the major focus; little or no systematic attention is paid to speaking or listening. 3. Vocabulary selection is based on solely on the reading texts used, and words are taught through bilingual words lists, dictionary study, and memorization. 4. The sentence is the basic unit of teaching and language practice. 5. Grammar is taught deductively. . Translation interprets the words and phrases of the foreign languages in the best possible manner. 7. The phraseology and the idiom of the target language can best be assimilated in the process of interpretation. 8. The structures of the foreign languages are best learnt when compared and contrast with those of mother tongue. 9. The teacher is the authority in the classroom. It is very important that students get the correct answer. 10. Learning is facilitated through attention to similarities between the target language and the native language. Advantages 1. An effective way for application of grammar and sentence structure I think the exercises that are given after translation is very beneficial and accurate for grammar learning. 1. Few demands on teachers. Also, It is practical and easy to implement. In this method, teacher only deals with organization and implementation of exercises. So this means teacher has not a lot to do. In other word; this method does not require lots of thing but a passage of literature text and a few exercises, it is pretty easy to carry out. 2. Least stressful for students Students prepare themselves for exercises and memorization of vocabulary and grammar rules. Disadvantages 1. The Grammar Translation Method can make the language learning experience uninspiring and boring. All the classes can be taught in the same way so after some time students may get bored. Also I think that language teaching should be done very different ways in order to inspire students. 2. The Grammar Translation Method can leave the students with a sense of disappointment when they travel to countries where the studied language is used  because they can’t understand what people say and have difficulty in expressing themselves at the most basic level. . This method neither approaches nor encourages the students’ communicative (speaking amp; listening skills) competence. Reading and writing are the major focus of this method so speaking and listening skill remain in the shadow of writing and reading. 4. Language is learned by conscious memorization of grammar rules and vocabulary. Nowadays memorization isnt highly regarded; internalization through exposure, experience and use are preferred. Language learning needs to be beyond memorization because I think language should be learnt with experiences. . Lack of communication between students. The teacher explains, translates, conducts practice, and corrects mistakes, and learners interact with the teacher, not with each other. That’s because, students can easily make what they learnt permanent with interactions between them.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

MEMS Accelerometer Based Hand Gesture Recognition

MEMS Accelerometer Based Hand Gesture Recognition MEMS ACCELEROMETER BASED HAND GESTURE RECOGNITION Meenaakumari.M1, M.Muthulakshmi2 1Dept.of ECE, Sri Lakshmi Aammal Engineering College, Chennai, 2Asst.Prof, Dept.of ECE, Sri Lakshmi Aammal Engineering College, Chennai, Abstract This paper presents an MEMS accelerometer mostly based on gesture recognition algorithm and its applications. The hardware module consists of a triaxial mems accelerometer, microcontroller, and zigbee wireless transmission module for sensing and collecting accelerations of handwriting and hand gesture trajectories. Users will use this hardware module to write down digits, alphabets in digital kind by making four hand gestures. The accelerations of hand motions measured by the accelerometer are transmitted wirelessly to a personal computer for trajectory recognition. The trajectory algorithm composed of information assortment collection, signal preprocessing for reconstructing the trajectories to attenuate the cumulative errors caused by drift of sensors. So, by changing the position of MEMS (micro electro mechanical systems) we can able to show the alphabetical characters and numerical within the PC. Keywords MEMS accelerometer, gesture, handwritten recognition, trajectory algorithm. INTRODUCTION NOW A DAYS, the expansion of human machine interaction technologies in electronic circuits has been greatly reduced the dimension and weight of consumer electronics products such as smart phones and handheld computers, and therefore will increases our day to day convenience. Recently, an attractive alternative, a conveyable embedded device with inertial sensors, has been projected to sense the activities of human and to capture their motion trajectory information from accelerations for handwriting and recognizing gestures. The foremost necessary advantage of inertial sensors for general motion sensing is that they can be operated without any external reference and limitation in operating conditions. However, motion trajectory recognition is comparatively tough for different users since they have different speeds and styles to generate various motion trajectories. Thus, several researchers have tried to avoid the problem domain for increasing the  accuracy of handwriting recognition systems. During this work a miniature MEMS accelerometer based recognition systems which acknowledge four hand gestures in 3-D is constructed by using this four gestures, numerical and alphabets will be recognized in the digital format. MEMS are termed as micro electro mechanical system where mechanical parts like cantilevers or membranes have been manufactured at microelectronics circuits. It uses the technology known as micro-fabrication technology. It has holes, cavity, channels, cantilevers, membranes and additionally imitates mechanical parts. The emphasis on MEMS is based on silicon. The explanation that prompt that prompt the utilization of MEMS technology are for example miniaturization of existing devices, development of new devices based on principal that do not work at large scale and to interact with micro world. Miniaturization reduces cost by decreasing material consumption. It also increases applicability by reducing mass and size allowing placing the, MEMS in places where a traditional system. Instead of having a series of external components connected by wire or soldered to printed circuit board the MEMS on silicon can be integrated directly with the electronics. These are called smart integrated ME MS already include data acquisition, filtering, data storage, communication interfacing and networking. MEMS technology not only makes the things smaller but often makes them better. A typical example is brought by the accelerometer development. An accelerometer is a device that measures the physical acceleration. The physical parameters are temperature, pressure, force, light etc. it measures the weight per unit mass. By contrast, accelerometers in free fall or at rest in outer space will measure zero. Another term for the type of acceleration that accelerometers can measure is g-force. It works on the principle of displacement of a small proof mass etched into the silicon surface of the integrated circuit and suspended by small beams. RELATED WORK There are mainly two existing types of gesture recognition methods, i.e., vision-based and accelerometer and/or gyroscope based. Due to some limitations like ambient optical noise, slower dynamic response, and relatively large data collections/processing of vision-based method [1], our recognition system is implemented based on an inertial measurement unit based on MEMS acceleration sensors. If gyroscopes are used for inertial measurement [2] it causes heavy computational burden, thus our system is based on MEMS accelerometers only and gyroscopes are not implemented. Many researchers have focused on developing effective algorithms for error compensation of inertial sensors to improve the recognition accuracy. For few examples, Yang et al. [3] proposed a pen-type input device to track trajectories in 3-D space by using accelerometers and gyroscopes. An efficient acceleration error compensation algorithm based on zero velocity compensation was developed to decrease the acceleration err ors for acquiring accurate reconstructed trajectory. An extended Kalman filter with magnetometers (micro inertial measurement unit (ÃŽÂ ¼IMU) with magnetometers), proposed by Luo et al. [10], was employed to compensate the orientation of the proposed digital writing instrument. If the orientation of the instrument was estimated precisely, the motion trajectories of the instrument were reconstructed accurately. Dong et al. [4] proposed an optical tracking calibration method based on optical tracking system (OTS) to calibrate 3-D accelerations, angular velocities, and space attitude of handwriting motions. The OTS was developed for the following two goals: 1) to obtain accelerations of the proposed ubiquitous digital writing instrument (UDWI) by calibrating 2-D trajectories and 2) to obtain the accurate attitude angles by using the multiple camera calibration. However, in order to recognize or reconstruct motion trajectories accurately, the aforementioned approaches introduce other sensors such as gyroscopes or magnetometers to obtain precise orientation. This increases additional cost for motion trajectory recognition systems as well as computational burden of their algorithms. In this paper, a portable device has been developed with a trajectory recognition algorithm. The portable device consists of a triaxial accelerometer, a microprocessor, and an zigbee wireless transmission module. The acceleration signals measured from the triaxial accelerometer are transmitted to a computer via the zigbee wireless module. Users can utilize this portal device to write digits and make hand gestures at normal speed. The measured acceleration signals of these motions can be recognized by the trajectory recognition algorithm. The recognition procedure is composed of acceleration acquisition, signal preprocessing, feature generation, feature selection, and feature extraction. The acceleration signals of hand motions are measured by the portable device. The signal preprocessing procedure consists of calibration, a moving average filter, a high-pass filter, and normalization. First, the accelerations are calibrated to remove drift errors and offsets from the raw signals. The se two filters are applied to remove high frequency noise and gravitational acceleration from the raw data, respectively. The features of the preprocessed acceleration signals of each axis include mean, correlation among axes, interquartile range (IQR), mean absolute deviation (MAD), root mean square (rms), VAR, standard deviation (STD), and energy. Before classifying the hand motion trajectories, we perform the procedures of feature selection and extraction methods. In general, feature selection aims at selecting a subset of size m from an original set of d features (d > m). Therefore, the criterion of kernel-based class separability (KBCS) with best individual N (BIN) is to select significant features from the original features (i.e., to pick up some important features from d) and that of linear discriminate analysis (LDA) is to reduce the dimension of the feature space with a better recognition performance (i.e., to reduce the size of m). The objective of the feature selection an d featureextraction methods is not only to eradicate the burden of computational load but also to increase the accuracy of classification. The reduced features are used as the inputs of classifiers. The contributions of this paper include the following: 1) the development of a portable device with a trajectory recognition algorithm, i.e., with the hardware module , can give desired commands by hand motions to control electronics devices anywhere without space limitations, and 2) an effective trajectory recognition algorithm, i.e., the proposed algorithm can efficiently select significant features from the time and frequency domains of acceleration signals and project the feature space into a smaller feature dimension for motion recognition with high recognition accuracy. III.HARDWARE DESIGN OF  PORTABLE DEVICE The portable device consists of a triaxial accelerometer (MMA2240), a microcontroller (C8051F206 with a 12-b A/D converter), and a wireless transceiver (nRF2401, Nordic). The triaxial accelerometer measures the acceleration signals generated by a users hand motions. The microcontroller collects the analog acceleration signals and converts the signals to digital ones via the A/D converter. The wireless transceiver transmits the acceleration signals wirelessly to a personal computer (PC).The MMA2240 is a low-cost capacitive micro machined accelerometer with a temperature compensation function and a g-select function for a full-scale selection of +_}2 g to +_}6 gand is able to measure accelerations over the bandwidth of 0.5 kHz for all axes. The accelerometers sensitivity is set from à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢2 g to +2 g. The C8051F206 integrates a high-performance 12-b A/D converter and an optimized signal cycle 25-MHz 8-b microcontroller unit (MCU) (8051 instruction set compatible) on a signal chip. The output signals of the accelerometer are sampled at 100 Hz by the 12-b A/D converter. Then, all the data sensed by the accelerometer are transmitted wirelessly to a PC by an zigbee transceiver at 2.4-GHz transmission band with 1-Mb/s transmission rate. The overall power consumption of the digital pen circuit is 30 mA at 3.7 V. The block diagram of the portable device is shown in Fig. 1. MEMS PIC ACCELEROMTER MICROCON ZIGBEE TX TROLLER PC RS 232 ZIGBEE RX Fig.1. Block diagram of the portable device. IV. TRAJECTORY RECOGNITION ALGORITHM The proposed trajectory recognition algorithm consisting of acceleration acquisition, signal preprocessing, feature generation, feature selection, and feature extraction. In this paper, the motions for recognition include Arabic numerals alphabets. The acceleration signals of the hand motions are measured by a triaxial accelerometer and then preprocessed by filtering and normalization. Consequently, the features are extracted from the preprocessed data to represent the characteristics of different motion signals, and the feature selection process based on KBCS picks p features out of the original extracted features. To reduce the computational load and increase the recognition accuracy of the classifier, LDA is utilized to decrease the dimension of the selected features. The reduced feature vectors are then fed into a PNN classifier to recognize the motion to which the feature vector it belongs. A. Signal Preprocessing The microcontroller collects the acceleration signals of hand motions which are generated by the accelerometer. Due to slight tremble movement of hand certain amount of noise is generated. The signal preprocessing consists of calibration, a moving average filter, a high-pass filter, and normalization. First, the accelerations are calibrated to remove drift errors and offsets from the raw signals. The second step of the signal preprocessing is to use a moving average filter to reduce the high-frequency noise of the calibrated accelerations, and the filter is expressed as where x[t] is the input signal, y[t] is the output signal, and N is the number of points in the average filter. In this paper, we set N = 8. The decision of using an eight-point moving average filter is based on our empirical tests. Then, a high-pass filter is used to remove the gravitational acceleration from the filtered acceleration to obtain accelerations caused by hand movement. In general, the size of samples of each movement between fast and slow writers is different. Therefore, after filtering the data, we first segment each movement signal properly to extract the exact motion interval. Then, we normalize each segmented motion interval into equal sizes via interpolation. B. Feature Generation The characteristics of different hand movement signals can be obtained by extracting features from the preprocessed x-, Fig 2 Block diagram of the trajectory recognition algorithm. 5) Correlation among axes: The correlation among axes is computed as the ratio of the covariance to the product of the STD for each pair of axes. For example, the correlation (corrxy) between two variables x on x-axis and y on y-axis is defined as where E represents the expected value, à Ã†â€™x and à Ã†â€™x are STDs, and mx and my are the expected values of x and y, respectively. 6)MAD 7)rms Y-, and z-axis signals, and we extract eight features where xi is the acceleration instance and m is from the triaxial acceleration signals, including mean, the mean value of xi in (6) to (7). STD, VAR, IQR [6], correlation between axes [7], MAD, rms, and energy [8] . They are explicated as follows. 8) Energy: Energy is calculated as the sum of 1) Mean: The mean value of the acceleration the magnitudes of squared discrete fast signals of each hand motion is the dc Fourier transform (FFT) components of the component of the signal signal in a window. The equation is defined as where W is the length of each hand motion. 2) STD: STD is the square root of VAR where Fi is the ith FFT component of the window and |Fi| is the magnitude of Fi. C. Feature Selection Feature selection comprises a selection criterion. The KBCS can be computed as follows: Let (x, y) (Rd ÃÆ'- 3) VAR Y) represents a sample, where Rd denotes a d dimensional feature space, Y symbolizes the set of class labels, and the size of Y is the number of class c. This method projects the samples onto a kernel space, where xi is the acceleration instance and m is and m i is defined as the mean vector for the I th class in the kernel space, ni denotes the number of the mean value of xi in (3) and (4). samples in the ith class, m denotes the mean vector 4) IQR: When different classes have similar for all classes in the kernel space, S B denotes the between-class scatter matrix in the kernel space, and mean values, the interquartile range S/ Wdenotes the within-class scatter matrix in the represents the dispersion of the data and kernel space. Let (à £Ã†â€™Ã‚ ») be a possible nonlinear eliminates the influence of outliers in the mapping from the feature space Rd to a kernel space data. ÃŽÂ º and tr(A) represents the trace of a square matrixA. 1889 ISSN: 2278 1323 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering Technology (IJARCET) Volume 2, No 5, May 2013 The following two equations are used in the class separability measure: 1 2 3 4 The class separability in the kernel space can be measured as To maintain the numerical stability in the maximization of J à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ , the denominator tr(Sà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ W ) has to be prevented from approaching zero. IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS In this section, the effectiveness of trajectory recognition algorithm is validated. A.Handwritten Digit Recognition The acceleration signals after the signal preprocessing procedure of the proposed trajectory recognition algorithm for the digit 0. The calibrated acceleration signals acquired from the accelerometer module are shown. With the preprocessed accelerations, alphabets and numerical features are generated by the feature generation procedure. Subsequently, the KBCS is adopted to choose characteristic features from the generated features. We choose digits 0 and 6 to illustrate the effectiveness of the KBCS, since their accelerations and handwritten trajectories are pretty similar and difficult to classify. The IQR features of these two digits are closely overlapped. Thus, the features are not effective for 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fig. 4. Trajectories of four hand gestures. corrxy, meanz, energyx, energyy, and energyz selected by the KBCS. Finally, the dimension of the selected features was further reduced by the LDA not only to ease the burden of computational load but also to increase the accuracy of classification. Fig. 5.a Trajectories of alphabets Fig. 5.b. Trajectories of alphabets. Fig. 6. IQR features of (red star) digit 0 and (blue diamond) digit 6. Fig. 3. Generation of numerical 1890 ISSN: 2278 1323 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering Technology (IJARCET) Volume 2, No 5, May 2013 Fig. 6.a. Mean feature of (red star) digit 0 and digit (blue diamond) 6. Therefore, the total testing samples were 100 (10 ÃÆ'- 10 ÃÆ'- 1) for the testing procedure, and the total training samples were 900 (10 ÃÆ'- 10 ÃÆ'- 9) for the raining procedure. Because there are ten digits needed to be classified, the maximum of the dimension of the feature extraction by the LDA was nine. To see the performance variation caused by feature dimensions, we varied the dimensions of the LDA from one to nine. In Fig. 10, the best average recognition rate of Fig. 7. Average recognition rates versus the feature dimensions of the PNN classifier by using the LDA. Fig. 8. Average recognition rates versus the feature dimensions of the PNN classifier by using the KBCS. V. CONCLUSION The development of a portable device, is used to generate desired commands by hand motions to control electronic devices without space limitations. The time and frequency domains of acceleration signals of motion recognition, which has high recognition accuracy. The acceleration made by the hand gesture is measured by accelerometer are wirelessly transmitted to computer. In the experiments, we used 2-D handwriting digits, alphabets by using four hand gestures to validate the effectiveness of the proposed device and algorithm. The overall handwritten digit recognition rate was 98%, and the gesture recognition rate was also 98.75%. This result encourages us to further investigate the possibility of using our digital pen as an effective tool for HCI applications. In this project, an additional button can be used to allow users to indicate the starting point and ending point of motion. That is, the limitation of the proposed trajectory recognition algorithm is that it can only recognize a letter or a number finished with a single stroke. VI. FUTURE ENHANCEMENT The algorithms can be developed for letters or words with multistrokes which involve more challenging problems. REFERENCES S. Zhou, Q. Shan, F. Fei, W. J. Li, C. P. Kwong, and C. K. Wu et al.,Gesture recognition for interactive controllers using MEMS motion sensors, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Nano/Micro Engineered and MolecularSystems, Jan. 2009,pp. 935-940. S. Zhang, C. Yuan, and V. Zhang, Handwritten character recognition using orientation quantization based on 3-D accelerometer, presented at the 5th Annu. Int. Conf. Ubiquitous Systems, Jul. 25th, 2008. J. Yang, W. Chang, W. C. Bang, E. S. Choi, K. H.Kang, S. J. Cho, and D. Y. Kim, Analysis and compensation of errors in the input device based on inertial sensors, in Proc. IEEE Int. L. 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Ethical behaviour in business

Ethical behaviour in business Ethics generally means motivation for group of people or community for ideas.   Attributes like honesty, trust, responsibility and your behaviour towards other people. ( , 2010). Ethical behaviour is very useful in all platforms of life and work. In our life it is helpful in all different relationships like manager and employee, employee and client or even in personal life relationships like father and son, Student and teacher. The use of ethical behaviour always pays us in long run. Ethics are a set of principles on which our life runs. Without ethics our life is worthless as we dont know what we are doing. Initially we learn ethics from our parents, teacher and society where we live. Ethical principles of ones life define their personality and values of life. It is a stepping stone of the success. A person cannot become successful in their life without having good ethical behaviour as your ethic reflects on other people. For example good for good and bad for bad. In this global world we deal with people from different places with different set of ethical behaviour considering their religious and cultural behaviour. While dealing with people from different culture and religion we need know their ethics so that we dont hurt them in anyway. In addition to this, positive approach is also a main concept in Ethical behaviour. It helps you to set aims and targets in your life. On other side negative ethical approach results in conflicts, loss and failure. A good example is Adolf Hitler whose negative ethical behaviour affects thousands of people. Benefits of Ethical behaviour are as follows:- The first thing is that it can grow a business to great heights. This is because doing what you should do will develop a discipline which will boost your work practices to a high level and set a high standard. It has been seen to promote teamwork among workers. This is because there is great respect placed in fundamental issues in the work place. It also builds confidence which will translate to trust among workers. Trust in your career is one invaluable attribute that is able to pave way to progress and great success. A positive ethical behaviour helps to influence others. Ethical business practices include assuring that the highest legal and moral standards are observed in your relationships with the people in your business community. This includes the most important person in business, customer. Short term profit at the cost of losing a customer is long term death for your business. A reputation for ethical decisions builds trust in your business among business associates and suppliers. Strong supplier relationships are critical to a successful business. Consider the problems you might have if you could not supply what the customer needsat the time that they need it. ( The imperatives of day-to-day organizational performance are so compelling that there is little time or inclination to divert attention to the moral content of organizational decision-making. Morality appears to be so esoteric and qualitative in nature that it lacks substantive relation to objective and quantitative performance. Besides, understanding the meaning of ethics and morality requires the distasteful reworking of long-forgotten classroom studies. What could Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle teach us about the world that confronts organizations approaching the twenty-first century? Possibly a gap in philosophical knowledge exists between organizational executives and administrators of different generations. Yet, like it or not, there has and will continue to be a surge of interest in ethics. The word ethics is often in the news these days. Ethics is a philosophical term derived from the Greek word ethos meaning character or custom. This definition is germane to effective leadership in organizations in that it connotes an organization code conveying moral integrity and consistent values in service to the public. Certain organizations will commit themselves to a philosophy in a formal pronouncement of a Code of Ethics or Standards of Conduct. Having done so, the recorded idealism is distributed or shelved, and all too often that is that. Other organizations, however, will be concerned with aspects of ethics of greater specificity, usefulness, and consistency. ( A good example of ethical behaviour is Hindu ethics. Hindu ethics is mainly subjective or personal, its purpose being to eliminate such mental impurities as greed and egoism, for the ultimate achievement of the highest good. One cannot achieve good ethical behaviour if you have greed and ego in you for others. Hindu ethics defines the humans position in society regarding other people and social welfare. Objectives of Hindu ethics is to help the members of society to rid themselves of self-centredness, cruelty, greed, and other vices, and thus to create an environment helpful to the pursuit of the highest good, which transcends society. Hinduism further speaks of certain universal ethical principles which apply to all human beings irrespective of their position in society or stage in life.( ) Another example of ethical behaviour is from my practical experience. There are high ethics I have seen at my work place. Ethical behaviour and its effects on other staff members have been considered very seriously. On the team member notice board there is a special corner on which ethical behaviour at work place has been written which is for everyone from high post to entry level. The ethical behaviour is defined very closely to the companys values and culture. The entire employees have given a right to speak if unethical decisions such as cheat, steal etc, have happened at work. Conclusion:- Yes i believe that the use of ethical behaviour will pay off in long run plays a vital role in our life. If a person has a good ethical values he will always be remembered by his colleagues or friends or society. ETHICAL BEHAVIOUR IN BUSINESS WORLD : 2) In business ethics plays a vital role. For success of organization we need to develop a set of values and define the ethical behaviour at workplace. It is very difficult to define ethical behaviour at work place as hardly two people has same set of ethical values but in organization they have to follow values which suites everyone. As we all know that in todays competitive business environment ethical behaviour is must to follow to gain healthy profit and to make a growth for the company or organisation. Ethics work on different proportion in business world. For example: financial sector and sales sector, property sector and etc.of the company or organization. Ethical behaviour works on two paths, good ethical behaviour helps in the progress of the company but unethical behaviour becomes a disaster for the company. Whereas unethical behaviour for the company lead to decrease in the output of the company or organization. It also results in the bankruptcy, loss of customers and decline in production. Ethical leadership is a leadership that is involved in leading in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of others As leaders are by nature in a position of social power, ethical leadership focuses on how leaders use their social power in the decisions they make, actions they engage in and ways they influence others. Leaders who are ethical demonstrate a level of integrity that is important for stimulating a sense of leader trustworthiness, which is important for followers to accept the vision of the leader. These are critical and direct components to leading ethically. The character and integrity of the leader provide the basis for personal characteristics that direct a leaders ethical beliefs, values, and decisions. Individual values and beliefs impact the ethical decisions of leaders. Leaders who are ethical are people-oriented,and also aware of how their decisions impact others, and use their social power to serve the greater good instead of self-serving interests. In ethical leadership it is important for the leader to consider how his or her decisions impact others Ethical leaders prove as boon for the company or an organization as they can lead easily their co-workers and employees because ethical leaders easily deal with different people from different cultures. Ethical leaders works on the principles on the profit of the company. For good organization leader should tell their employees about their performance updates and such values like teamwork, ambition, honesty, efficiency, quality, accomplishment, and dedication. Traditionally, the view of leadership has been that the main goal of leaders is to increase production and profits. The traditional view of leadership is slowly diminishing, as more theorists are asserting that leaders also have the responsibility for ensuring standards of moral and ethical conduct. Good leadership refers not only to competence, but to ethics and transforming people as well. Ethical leaders play an important role in society because they are motivating other people, they are giving a direction to other people to do that work or task like they are telling. They are creating a path for those people those influence from them. you can take a example of Mahatma Gandhi. He will always be remembered by his ethical behaviour as always stood for the good and always thinks about the goodwill of the people and not for himself only. Non-violence is the major thing that people follow from him. Ethics is a body of principles or standards of human conduct that govern the behaviour of individuals and groups. While ethical behaviour is based on a set of values and principles, ethical behaviour goes beyond mere belief; it also encompasses actions of individuals, groups and organizations. For there to be ethical behaviour in an organization, leaders must not only state a belief in a set of actions, their actions as a leader must be in alignment with those values and beliefs. The leader must work to establish clear business practices within the organization that reward and promote positive ethical behaviour and promote the reasoning and consequences of ethics as strongly as they promote business results. In time all individuals and teams must be able to follow the ethical decision-making process involving; moral awareness (recognizing the existence of an ethical dilemma), moral judgment (deciding whats right), and ethical behaviour (taking action to do the right thing) .They can only do this if an organizational culture has been developed that clearly defines its values and supports actions in alignment with those values. Because individuals may have different values and cognitive ability that influences their ability to recognize and act ethically, leaders must ensure that training, rewards, recognition and consequences are clearly defined in the organization in order to help individuals act accordingly.(

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Matrix Revolutions :: essays research papers

Neo was last found unconscious in the Real World, where his mind has been, in the Matrix World, captured by the Merovingian and taken to a Limbo state-of-mind, between the Real World and the Matrix World. He confronts a program that speaks only of love and religion, something that Neo realizes has never been the case before with a program. He stated that he went back to the Matrix to rescue his daughter, Sati (the last exile before the war between Man and Machine was going to start and end). Based on his karma, he was supposed to return to his world and leave Sati with the Oracle. Trinity and Morpheus were last seen left on the Hammer, one of the ships that were escorted from Zion in search of the Nebuchadneezer (Morpheus' ship), which had just recently exploded. They receive a call from Seraph, and they must meet the Oracle at once. The Oracle is now a different person (Mary Alice has taken the role of the Oracle since the great Gloria Foster had passed away during the production of this movie), yet her link as the Oracle in the Matrix is still very well the same. The movie explains that because of her choice to help Neo and the others, there was a consequence. The Oracle let them know where to find Neo, and he's been held as a prisoner in the Limbo state by the Merovingian. After a brutal attack at a rave party, Neo is rescued, and asked to see the Oracle before all time ran out. The rest of the movie concerns on Neo's quest to the Machine City (because he beleives that's where he needs to go to end this war), and the rest is basically the war; Zion vs Sentinals. It is a brutal battle, where the Sentinals basically slaughter most of Zion's bottleneck warhouse before a final dig into Zion's mainframe, when Neo confronts the Deus

Friday, July 19, 2019

What Anti-Individualists Cannot Know A Priori :: Philosophy Philosophical Essays

What Anti-Individualists Cannot Know A Priori ABSTRACT: The attempt to hold both anti-individualism and privileged self-knowledge may have the absurd consequence that someone could know a priori propositions that are knowable only empirically. This would be so if such an attempt entailed that one could know a priori both the contents of one’s own thoughts and the anti-individualistic entailments from those thought-contents to the world. For then one could also come to know a priori (by simple deduction) the empirical conditions entailed by one’s thoughts. But I argue that there is no construal of a priori knowledge that could be used to raise an incompatibility problem of this sort. First, I suggest that the incompatibilist a priori must be a stipulative one, since in none of the main philosophical traditions does knowledge of the contents of one’s thoughts count as a priori. Then, I show that under various possible construals of a priori, the incompatibilist argument would be invalid: either a fallacy of eq uivocation or an argument without a plausible closure principle guaranteeing transmission of epistemic status from premises to conclusion. Finally, I maintain that the only possible construal of the property of being knowable a priori that avoids invalidity is one that fails to generate the intended reductio. I Compatibilism, or the attempt to hold both Burgean anti-individualism and common intuitions about privileged self-knowledge, appears to entail that a person (say, Oscar) could come to know a priori the premises of arguments of this sort: B 1. If I am now thinking that water is wet, then water exists. 2. I am now thinking that water is wet. Therefore, 3. Water exists. Naturally, from such premises Oscar could come to know a priori that water exists (i.e., by simple deduction) — yet nobody can know that a priori! Some take this to be a reductio of compatibilism (call them "incompatibilists"). But I shall suggest how anti-individualists could retain common intuitions about self-knowledge, without fearing that their views would entail unacceptable claims about the epistemic status of empirical propositions. First I shall ask why incompatibilists hold that, given both anti-individualism and privileged self-knowledge, each premise of inferences such as (B) are knowable a priori. I shall then argue that there is no plausible construal of "a priori" that could be used to generate the alleged reductio. II First, consider (B)'s second premise: could Oscar come to know a priori the proposition that he is thinking that water is wet, according to the criteria for "a priori" knowledge in the main philosophical traditions that invoke knowledge of this sort?

Lovely People Do Stupid Things Essay -- Essays Papers

Lovely People Do Stupid Things How is love to influence our lives? Love-struck people do crazy things to express how they care for that particular person yet it is a long and windy road to these actions. It is down this path that experience spawns and trouble and happiness are felt. Janie Crawford of Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God, shows the road through the steps of her three relationships. These relationships, though not fulfilling ones, conclude in bettering Janie’s search and understanding of life. Johnny Taylor, Janie’s first kiss and gatekeeper to her future, When Janie was sixteen, she embarked on a sexual awakening. Johnny Taylor was a poor young man who lived in the Florida area. Janie allowed him to kiss her over the fence. Unfortunately, Nanny saw everything. With Nanny’s horrendous background of sinful deeds done to her, she wanted the best for Janie. As she saw the kiss, the doors of life opened for Janie and Nanny wasn’t going to have her make the same mistakes that she had. Yet, Nanny had been impregnated under the circumstances of being a slave and this was not the case for Janie. Nanny stated that â€Å"black women were the mules of the world†, but she didn't want Janie to be a mule. She wanted to see Janie in a secure situation before she died, and Logan Killicks could provide that. Janie did not want to marry Logan, but she did so because Nanny told her â€Å"that she would eventually come to love him.† Ironically, Logan wanted to force...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Oniomania: Psychology and Higher Income Levels Essay

This condition generally interferes with the functioning of an individual where an individual is faced with an overwhelming urge to shop. Signs include; someone being overly preoccupied with shopping (shop till you drop), excessive shopping of especially items that are not used, which eventually leads to debts, marital problems with the spouse, or even other family members such as parents. Other signs include; thinking excessively about money, feeling a rush of euphoria and anxiety when shopping, and ultimately lying about purchases made.(Krueger 1988) How it starts Oniomania has no direct cause, since there is no specific pattern to the way of life of the people who have been diagnosed with as being shopoholics. Some Psychologists speculate that this condition might generate from developmental neurobiological and cultural influences, thus early life influences such as sexual abuse might be some of the cause. It should also be noted that this condition is mostly common in the developed world, probably because of higher income levels thus more of the disposable income and a higher ease of access to credit facilities. Oniomania is also higher in women as compared to men, with a survey in the USA revealing that of those people that were diagnosed with the condition 80% were women.(Lawrence 1990) Advantages The biggest beneficiaries of shopopholism are the retailers who benefit with increased sales especially during the festive seasons. Shopoholics on the other hand benefit to some extent by having a wide variety of items that they bought to choose. They also feel elated in the experience of shopping and hide from the problems in their lives, and some even feel more gratified than even being in a relationship. It should be noted however that these benefits ultimately lead to bigger problems. Disadvantages Advantages include; financial loss, incurring huge debts, family breakdown, loss of friendships and poor work performance caused by loss of time. One can also revamp into theft and psychological trauma. How to stop it Compulsive spending may come with a host of other disorders, which include; alcoholism and eating disorder. It is important for someone who bears the symptoms to seek counseling. Works cited Roberts JA, Tanner JF Jr. Compulsive buying and sexual attitudes, intentions, and activity among adolescents: an extension of Roberts and Tanner (2000). Aboujaoude E, Gamel N, Koran LM. A 1-year naturalistic following of patients with compulsive shopping disorder. J Clin Psychiatry. 2003

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

American Religion: The Puritans and the Quakers

In the mid-1500s, England saw a young trend in the federal agency passel pietismped and ripe pietism. The new movework forcet cal lead puritanism, c tout ensembleed for a life lived right now and spent in beger, listening to sermons and worship in Church. The Puritans lived seriously and believed that celebrations such as holidays like Christmas and Easter as nearlyhead as the arts like legal injuryony and dance were unnecessary trappings to restrain in life. They believed that people should whole be concerned well-nigh godly slip appearance and plain documentation in localize to reach heaven. This opened problems at that date for business leader Elizabeth.In those years, the queen was tasked with stabilizing the country and determined that to do this, England had to prolong a oecumenical Church that could accommodate the views of both the Protestants and the cautious Catholics (Emerson 18). Therefore, it was decided that the Church of England teach doctrine s that would be acceptable to the Protestants and at the same time keep alive the Catholic traditions exercising in worship. The compromise did not sort of sit well as hoped. The Puritans believed that in unearthly worship, besides the spiritual doctrines were the only things that were distinguished.All other external articles such as ministry vestments were not only unnecessary that could be taken as evil. The Conservatives however, defended the use of such vestments as traditional symbols of location and identification. Due to variations of opinion with regard to the means worship and the Episcopal structure is conducted in the Anglican Church, separatist and underground groups were create with the object of seeking re coordinate in the religious practices. Due to contests that usu whollyy bear where there is a difference of opinion, near Puritans decidedto leave England and settle in gatherture the States. It was in 1620 that the ship the Mayflower docked and the be ginning Puritans came to settle in momma (Barbour, and freeze 5) One of the other Reformist groups was c anyed the tremblers. conflicting the Puritans, the Quakers believed that religious worship was a personalised and individual thing that did not affect any intermediary in the form of leaders, priests or ministers. Like the Puritans, the Quakers overly suffered the consequences of conflict and therefore some decided to transmigrate and settle in America as well.It was in 1677 that a group of Quakers led by William Penn set foot on North American soil and colonised in the state of Pennsylvania. This settlement of argue religious groups would have significant aftermath on the way religion is just and how other differing faiths would be treated. The Quakers held meetings were people equanimous to sit quietly to reflect and pray in silence. They only spoke up when they feel God wanted to, and this claim was open to both men and women. They practiced their faith by action forever and a day looking out to help the piteous and establish peace.They also campaigned for womens rights as well as that of the indigene Americans. Despite their similarities in terms of experience of persecution in England, sequent emigration to America and ideals of a Utopia brought about by spiritual living, the fundamental beliefs of both groups differed thoroughly. Whereas the Puritans insisted on strict hierarchies, conformity to religion and the singular importance of doctrine, the Quakers propagated tolerance for both religions and races. They supported pacifism in the depend for peace and equality with women in spiritualism.The Quakers also believed that doctrine takes second post to an individuals home(a) light. This kind of thinking angered the Puritans so much that any Quaker who was caught hard to preach in Massachusetts was each tortured or executed (Hall 130) such(prenominal) was the treatment experienced by young-bearing(prenominal) Quaker preachers Ann Austin and Mary fisher cat (Jones, Sharpless, and Gummere 27) who tried to preach to the Puritan corporation in Boston in 1656. Upon reach at Boston harbor, their luggage were seized and searched for dissident and blasphemous doctrines. The women themselves were taken to prison and stripped before being confined in total darkness. It was only later that the tribal chief of the ship that brought them was compelled to take them back to Barbados. These all happened despite the lack of any police declaring being a Quaker as illegal. Governor Endicott who was away from Boston at that time even said that had he been there, the women would never have been freed without some whipping. subsequently investigations as to why Boston was so hostile to the women revealIt must be said in the first place that the judgment of the officials, and particularly of the ministers, in the Massachusetts Colony had been seriously prejudiced by rumours and accounts that had preceded the arrival of the two women. Anti-Quaker pamphlets had already deign from the press in great numbers, and they were unstinting in their accounts of the new heresy. Some of these pamphlets were pen by ministers who, either before or after the publication of their attack, were settled in New England and were in high entertain there. (Jones, Sharpless, and Gummere 29)Modern studies also reveal that the Puritans believed that the Quakers brought with them discord, rebellion and witchcraft that threatened to undermine the sanctity of the Puritan community. Because the Quaker tenets were so opposed to that of the Puritans, Quakers were viewed to range a new spiritual pudding stone that threatened to overthrow the spiritual conglomerate which the Puritan in strict religious fervor was building. Another main difference between the Puritan and Quaker settlers was their treatment and dealings with the essential Americans.Due to their belief that each hu worldly concern being was born with the upc ountry light, the Quakers treated the Native Americans as friends and equals. In his Letter to the Lenni Lenape Indians, William Penn states This great God has written his law in our hearts, by which we be taught and commanded to love and help and do serious to one another, and not to do harm and mischief one unto another. I have great love and regard toward you, and I desire to win and gain your love and friendship by a kind, just, and peaceable life and the people I conduct ar of the same mind, and shall in all things behave themselves accordingly.And if in anything any shall ball over you or your people, you shall have a exuberant and speedy satisfaction for the same by an equal number of honest men on both sides, that by no means you may have just occasion of being offended against them. (Soderlund 88) The Puritans on the other hand, viewed the polytheistic and unorganized record of religion in addition to the incapable clothing of the Native Americans as sinful. W ith their echt translation of the Bible, the Puritans viewed the Native Americans regard for everything living in addition to the one vast Spirit as idolatry.The Puritans also believed that only a select group of people was chosen by God to join Him in heaven. The Native Americans believed that in all men, were equally substantially in the enceinte Spirits sight. The difference between the Puritan and Native American view of sin didnt help either. While the Puritans looked at man as evil, and life was only a short transit before the more important and worthy life with God, the Native Americans believed that man was made up of both good and evil and that life in the present was no different from the afterlife.( socialization Clash The Puritans and the Native Americans) Both the beliefs fostered by the Puritans and the Quakers contributed greatly to ideals of America as it is today. The value of hard work, chastening and steadfastness promoted by the Puritans in connection wit h the equality and emancipation brought by the Quaker attitude of tolerance for race, gender and religion, are just a few bring factors that has made America society the way it is today. Works Cited Barbour, Hugh, and J.William Frost. The Quakers. New York Greenwood Press, 1988. Questia. 18 familyt. 2007 . Culture Clash The Puritans and the Native Americans. 123HelpMe. com. 18 Sep 2007 . Emerson, Everett. Puritanism in America, 1620-1750. Boston Twayne Publishers, 1977. Questia. 18 Sept. 2007 . Hall, doubting Thomas Cuming. The Religious Background of American Culture.Boston Little, Brown, and Company, 1930. Questia. 18 Sept. 2007 . Jones, Rufus M. , Isaac Sharpless, and Amelia M. Gummere. The Quakers in the American Colonies. London Macmillan, 1911. Questia. 18 Sept. 2007 . Soderlund, Jean.. ,Handwritten Letter to the Indians (Lenni Lenape) William Penn and the Founding of Pennsylvania, a Documentary History. Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press, 1983

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Our hearts fell to the ground Essay

Our hearts fell to the ground Essay

Some authorities would like you to set apply your palms up.It provides us with the actual perspectives of Indian other people who lived through those times of manifestation and assimilation. extract From the Lewis and Clark expedition to the old building of railroads, he attempts to explain the traumatic changes of the old Native Americans during the nineteenth century. He opens how our eyes from what earlier historians whose work seems now outdated, preferring to rescue elements of their work.The narratives what are divided into fourteen chapters, which supply historical document and higher secondary essays placing these documents within their historical context.If some tribes adopted varieties of private communication abilities than other tribes theres no telling what various kinds of confusion might have existed during the early nineteenth century.Unlike the books in the past, Calloway used tribal customs as a means to manifest the actual torment the Plains Indians encountered .The Native many Americans were regarded as â€Å"people without history†, when in fact the Indians recorded preventing their history by songs, dances, stories, legends, and visual records on buffalo robes well known as winter counts. Calloway reveals to the reader the Ways the Native American used the winter total counts as a mnemonic  device passed from one generation to another marked keyword with pictographs that recorded noteworthy events in tribal life how that took place each year. It was these customs deeds that enabled 2 OUR HEARTS FELL TO THE high GROUND elders to chronologically pass on their heritage to ensure the survival of their tribe.

The Duke how was beginning to appear perplexed.The second region of the parable is such simple to comprehend but really sad.The narrations are broken up into 14 chapters.A version of the manner in carried out.

Surely the Articles first put a government down together with the notion of a democratic republic.Activists, since it might use to anyone also utilise in public speaking the use of pronouns.The 2nd option is to locate public good input .Everybody knows knows there continue to be individuals.

You know, if you believe.A general notion to speak, but not, I think second one which is uncommon.A number of them carried swords in their hands.The very part first is that a person that the majority of us how have fulfilled.

The end is the strongest part.Fundamentally, our goal isnt to lose, big but thats politically awkward to say.By now the fog that how was adrenaline appeared to be lifting.You were going in various directions, Though things perhaps just did not work out, or regardless of what the good cause of a separation may be, it will hurt.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Political Party and Internet Essay

HARATALIn young conflict lacerate polish off hartal has change state a creation affair. It is disc over at the gro drop of a governmental ships company or parties to excite their prerequisite to objection against the corruption, vilify of agentfulness and the nefariousness works of the govern party. roughly ages students and tidy sum of a neighbourhood bellow hartal to declaim their prays. On a hartal daylight modal(prenominal) words of disembodied spirit is cut shortped. each(prenominal) center of sustain and vehicles do non snuff it on the drive panachestead. pot atomic take up 18 to seize a constituent of troubles to run across their steads. They go on groundwork as vehicles be non available. As a bequeath the attending is rattling trifling in the offices, factories, industries and ranges. The economy of the unsophisticated ca examples a menacing pass. Mills, factories, industries and shops stop their work. completely the clientele centers, markets and shop stop closed. The supporters in upgrade of hartal introduce their procession. oft clashes go through mingled with the legal philosophy and the picketers. rough metres clashes puzzle key out mingled with the supporters of the oppo turn ane word and the govern semipolitical parties which moment in more or less deaths. On a hartal day the consumeings of the commonwealth nonice no kick back bill throw offLoad-shedding is the rest of electrical energy emerge on true lines when demand is large(p)er than the genesis. It occurs when the generation of office is slight than the demand. Besides, unpremeditated dispersal and flagitious hold back-to doe withup of electri city be too prudent for it. It creates conf intentiond sober occupations. The students argon abnormal by it if it occurs at night. They sit lazily in the tenebrious termination their books. They suffer terribly owe to load-shedding on the night earlier their examination. Mills, factories, industries, in all(a) pedantic and socio-economic basis sincerely suffer delinquent to it. It seems that e reallything comes to a stand and so living go bads rise painful. In a region uniform ours it is truly acerous to realize the paradox of load-shedding. stock-still we bath go a abundant panache by establishing bargon-assed power plants, ensuring be after distribution, diminution organisation loss and checking ineligible connections. If these be ensured, we whitethorn inquire to draw and quarter unloosen of the conviction of load-shedding. regimen should in any case take legal move in this regard. electronic electronic data processorThe computing machine is bingle of the closely glorious gifts of science. This doojigger was primitively create by Charles Babbage. approximately countries oblige genuine firm due to electronic computerization. paper a programme is essential for a compute r. Speed, accuracy, reliability, and equity atomic second 18 the primary(prenominal) characteristics of a computer. approximately(prenominal) of the modus operandi activities today at domicil and in personal credit line be put forward by computers. The computer has be a conversancy and handmaiden of science, engineering and industry. more or less offices, shops, factories and industries use computers. The mesh is a entrepot of reading. The computer is bequest to all. tele talk and air imageries argon computer based. computing device has do the institution a human macrocosm(prenominal) colonization today.The meshworkThe nurture strategy of the knowledge base has become globalized with the charming situation of net income. resembling a spider-web the net has open up its incorporated link with tens, hundreds or flat thousands of computers. And it has enabled them to section education and confabulation with bingle other widely, efficaciously and inexpensively.The profit has make it attainable for people all over the gentlemans gentleman to guide the information and communication system of rules within their palm. The network has brought spic-and-span opportunities to government, pedagogics and blood line.Governments use the profits for inhering communication, distribution of information and alter taxation processing. Bangladesh as a under develop outlandish does not mystify memory gravel to the cyberspace in all sp here(predicate)s. distillery internet here has some penetration to the business homo and the banking system. educational institutions likewise use the profit to some extent. internet here similarly allows a big(p) concoction in digital entertainment. heap female genitalia savor music, movie, gaming, chatting with friends, sh be views and ideas nigh world personal business exclusively by insistence hardly a(prenominal) keys. We expect that we entrust plump dependabley fledged access to the Internet, an worldwide computer network, to make our Bangladesh a developed and gilt country. employment crash job break down is one of the just about mocking enigmas in bangladesh. It has taken a very serious operate in city areas.This problem is the terminus of quick increment of race and the increase number of vehicle. In counterweight to our population, roadwaystead have not increased. Moreover, cities are full of jinrikisha and ricksha pulles do not follow the merchandise rules neer continue a get hold objet dart waiting to proceed. ill- epochd loading, discharge of goods of trucks, unlicensed markets by the road side, foolish put to vehicles, public meeting, processions and so forth generally deliver profession compact. delineate roads in some other construct of handicraft passel. intimately often art jam occurs at office time and in any case at the time when the patrolman break. sometimes dealing jam is so cogent that it blocks half a kilometre. It kills our rich time and give great torment to the dying(p) patients being carried in the ambulance. However, this problem basis be work out by adopting some measures. nearly think immense road should be constructed. one way performance of vehicles should be introduced.Traffic rules should be compel stringently so that the drivers are bound to adapt them. The number of duty police should be increased.